Sunday, January 10, 2010

I've heard of people setting up bird feeders, deer feeders, hummingbird feeders, squirrel feeders, but Mexican feeders?  (My part Mexican wife said this was not offensive and it's not meant to be).  I know our neighbors have had this hanging here for quite a while, but I just noticed how odd it looks.  I'm not sure if they are using it for decoration or cooking.  Maybe a little of both but I've never seen them harvesting.  Stacie and I have just recently started using sun-dried peppers in some of our recipes.  One recipe called for dehydrated Anaheim peppers just to have us re-hydrate them and add to the rest of the ingredients. I'm sure there's a reason.  If any of you chefs out there know the answer, please enlighten me.  You will no doubt read a great deal about cooking from me in the next 355 days since Stacie and I love to cook and we regularly call preparing meals together "Date Night".  The key is to do all the prep together, all the measuring together, all the clean-up together.  Get caught up on each other's day,  talk about fun things, laugh a lot, and remember, there can never be too much garlic!  Cook foods that both of you like and new recipes are a great way to keep it fresh.  We like to make a new recipe verbatim the first time, then make notes on how we would improve it for the next.  If a recipe doesn't deserve a next time, trash it and learn from the experience.  This approach takes the drudgery out of preparing meals and other household chores, and who knows, one of you might catch yourself singing at the top of your lungs to the Fox TV show "Don't Forget The Lyrics" (not that I would do that or anything).  What do you do for "Date Night"?

1 comment:

  1. Dad and I also love to have a date night,but that is the night we go out to eat and run errands.But I also love you and Stacie's idea of date night. Both of you are great chefs.
