Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Weber Street is located in a historical residential district in downtown Colorado Springs.  It is always great to have a street in your town with your name on it.  I refer to it at times when people get my last name wrong.  I just say "just like the street downtown" and they know exactly how to spell it.  Another come back I have for people who ask about the spelling is "2 Bs or not 2Bs, that is the question". There are Weber grills, Weber speakers, Weber guitars, Weber universities, Weber counties, and Weber carburetors.  Stacie reminded me that I have a smart remark for people who ask "Mark, is that with a K or a C"? I respond with "That's Mark with an M"!  I was named after the author of the second Gospel in the New Testament.  My middle name (Timothy) means "honoring God".  Your name is given to you at birth and is something that identifies you as a specific unique individual person, yet it does not define you.  Your name might be symbolic, yet it does not make up your character.  Your name may hold sentimental family tradition, yet it is not what restricts you to your genetic fingerprint.  Your name may label you with an unfair disadvantage, yet it cannot limit you.  We can legally change our names but the decree will not change who we are.  What's in your name?


  1. It's "WEBER" as in "The Weber," a legendary marker found in the homeland.
    Our original ancestor who first stepped on American soil is MARTIN WEBER who left his birthplace (Baden-Baden, Germany). He was a blacksmith by trade. In a strange twist of fate, he was inducted in the Confederate Army and fought in the Civil War, although he had not yet achieved American citizenship. Captured in the seize of Vicksburg, he signed his Declaration of Surrender to General Ulyses Grant on, of all days, the Fourth of July. Long after the cessation of the war, he became a US Citizen in Lafayette, Louisiana.
    The WEBER name in this linaage is carried by these proud Americans:
    Martin Weber
    Adam Weber
    Oklan Weber
    Floyd Weber
    Mark Weber
    Timothy Weber

    For the ancestors who came to this Land of Freedom and Home of the Brave, there continue to be those who uphold the heritage of our cherished history of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
    Floyd Weber (Dad)

  2. Very interesting reading. I learned something I did not know after being related all these years. I am also proud of the Webers - good men!
