This is the last day of 2010. This also concludes my year long photo blog project. The past 12 months have brought Stacie and I to many different places and we have experienced adventures that have enriched our lives and brought us much enjoyment. We started the year surrounded by family and we’ve spent the last week of it graced with their presence as well. One year of captured pictures is worth a lifetime of experiences and memories. I learned a great deal about taking pictures, writing, and about myself. I learned that the automatic setting on the camera is a good place to start but manual is the way to better color and exposure. I learned that sitting in front of a keyboard and writing about life, weather, or the events of the day is not as easy as it sounds. I learned that my self-imposed rules about this project were key to its success and I never wavered from them (I only used pictures taken on that day and I wrote about it...Every Day!). I learned that I had a voice in this world even when no one was listening. I realized during the course of the year that the importance of what I write lies within me. I chose images for each day by the same process that I determine what I like. I can't tell you what I like, I just know when it is right. It has been a great pleasure to take up some space on the Internet and even though my Journey Around The Sun has concluded I look forward to breathing life into a new venture centered around my favorite past time. Geocaching. It is my hope that this undertaking greeted you each day with a fresh perspective and brought you laughter or just something to ponder. Where did your journey take you this year?
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
There were five Catholic missions established by the Spanish church back in the 18th century built alongside the San Antonio River. Today 9 of us set out to walk from Mission Espada (which is still an active parish and a mass was about to start) to Mission San Juan and we Geocached as we went. Some thoughtful cacher placed a cache every tenth of a mile or so down the paved sidewalk. Emma found the first one even though she didn't know what she was looking for. Gary and I were holding the GPS receivers but were a dozen feet away when she made the discovery. All the kids enjoyed choosing goodies from the "treasure chest" and we continued down the trail to find 9 more. We enjoyed the spectacular Texas weather and wearing short sleeved shirts in December was such a change for Stacie and I. Our round trip was a little over 3 miles but the children's endurance was amazing. The day concluded with a quick meal at a fast food place where the little ones spent their remaining energy at the playground. Did you know that the Alamo was 100 years old when the famous battle took place?
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010
This appears to be a fledgling flight school being held at the Heritage Duck Pond. These little guys were inching close to the ledge then were flying down to the water. The rookies were looking on as if to say "Oh, so that's how you do it". We start our lives with no knowledge of how the world works and we depend on the experience of others to survive. Our parents, school teachers, college professors, and on the job trainers provide education at a metered rated to ensure we can absorb the information. Our whole lives are a constant learning session that happens whether we are paying attention or not. Can you imagine the exhilaration a bird must feel the first time it takes flight?
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas! The morning brought us a bright, clear sky and the promise of hope. Many years ago a traveling couple found themselves with unacceptable accommodations. A few times Stacie and I have arrived in a town to discover no vacancies at all the hotels. We had the benefit of a modern day reservation system and were handed the key to our prearranged space. People find themselves on this nomadic journey called life and they reach a point where they need shelter and the resources of others. Visitors to new or unfamiliar cities have challenges finding their way to their destinations because of the many complex pathways that create obstacles. Citizens of local areas provide essential guidance to guests seeking provisional supplies and protection from the elements. All voyagers rely on established municipalities to sustain their ability to continue their expedition. Today we celebrate the birth of Jesus who was born in a stable. Do you have room in your inn?
Friday, December 24, 2010
Last night Stacie and I drove into Amarillo, TX (it was before midnight, so just a little bit before morning). We got a refreshing night’s sleep and drove the remaining 8 hours to San Antonio. It rained the whole way but we had great conversation and a few laughs along the way. We arrived at Taco’s house, unloaded the sleigh, and then went to dinner. We had some navigational irregularities but had a great tour of most of the city. After we found another location of the restaurant chain, we noticed that we were must minutes away from Dan, Caleena, and Rozz’s house. A little less than a block away was this great example of Christmas in the south. Did you drive over the river and through the woods?
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I found a Geocache at lunch today. It was just a short walk from where I parked the car down a dry creek bed. I walked down the wrong side and had to cross the creek and I was greeted by a very persistent barking dog who announced my arrival. My iPhone app led me straight to the cache and within a couple minutes I had signed the log and was walking down the concrete sidewalk back to the car. It felt great getting out in the middle of the day and just in time. We are expecting a snow storm tonight. Did you exercise your brain and your legs today?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I've been listening to Christmas music in my car and my desk at work since a couple weeks before Thanksgiving. I've noticed that I don't know the lyrics to any of the songs. I find myself humming a lot and just flat out making up words. It's very therapeutic and I highly recommend it. I often arrive at my destination with a slightly sore throat due to singing at the top of my lungs. I've even busted out in some Latin lyrics from my grade school days for an entire stanza of a certain holiday classic. Have you ever been caught at a traffic light performing a solo?
Monday, December 13, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Stacie and I are recovering from the culinary Olympics from yesterday. After our company left last night we cleaned up then relaxed in a mini vacation on the back deck. The hot water action of the spa was genuinely needed on the bottoms of our feet. Today we have taken an opposite stance. Total relaxation with our laptop and iPad while watching Mythbusters. Breakfast and lunch were leftovers from last night but we didn't make a dent in the contents of the refrigerator. I appreciate the break from our busy holiday schedule and I'm starting to get refreshed just in time for the week ahead. Have you ever been too tired to sleep?
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010
I mentioned earlier in the week that Stacie and I were going to attend our Church's interpretation of the Dickens' classic "A Christmas Carol". As always, an extremely well done presentation. I think Stacie said it best, a Broadway quality play. According to the program there were about 200 main actors, ballerinas, urchins, school children, directors, set design and construction workers, sound track production engineers, make-up and hair artists, special effects technicians, camera operators, costume designers, and back stage crew members. The amazing production didn't over shadow the story of a man's realization of his own mortality and God's love for him. The goose bump moment when the audience witnessed a cold heart turn warm brought tears to every eye in the auditorium. How will your life play out?
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010
Stacie and I attended a Geocaching holiday event today. We had a great time and met a cacher who lives just a few blocks from us. It was great putting a face to a name. We have found many of his Geocache hides to include some his "Amendment" series which educates us about the U.S. Constitution. Geocaching exercises the mind as well as the body. There are puzzle caches designed for every level of experience. Some of the puzzles are pure math while others are word plays. You can learn a great deal about history, culture, social sciences, and humanities while participating in this treasure hunting activity. What do you want to learn about?
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010
You might just see an old rock in this picture but if you found your way to the coordinates N 38° 46.501 W 104° 49.186 you would find a bright orange container. I find the most intriguing part of Geocaching is the ingenious camouflage techniques used. Stacie and I have found caches disguised as weeds, logs, water sprinklers, and electrical conduit. The best caches are those hidden in plain sight. Most Geocaches go unnoticed by the public but, like a magic trick, when it is revealed it seems so obvious. Maybe that's why I'm so obsessed. I've enjoyed illusions since I was a child and I continue to appreciate them in the form of caches. What magic do you enjoy?
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Shapes in nature can be beautiful things. When you are in the third grade and the shapes are the imaginary boxes drawn around words and you have to match the word with the shape, it can be quite traumatizing. For some reason I just didn't understand the purpose of the exercise. I spent too much time trying to find the correlation between the definition of the word and the shape its letters created. It seems that I have a talent for making things more difficult than needed. When Stacie asked me to hang a picture on the wall, I promptly went to the garage for a hammer and nail and then I returned to get a tape measure, then a pencil, then a level. Once I had assembled all of the tools, I noticed that Stacie had already hung the picture with a thumb tack. It sounds like the Internet joke passed around a couple years back, but it happened. Do you have a clear picture of where you're going?
Monday, November 29, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sleeping in this morning was so refreshing. Stacie and I had been keeping a very full schedule for the past few days and we stayed at home all day today. Sometimes you just have to do nothing and recharge. We did some pre-Cyber Monday purchasing and I logged all the Geocaches that I found yesterday. That took a couple hours or so. The Star Wars marathon has been on for background ambience and we are quite full from the ordered pizza that was delivered. Stacie is playing solitaire on her iPad and I'm preparing the statistics that were generated from all the cache finds. How did you recuperate after the holiday?
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
After work today Stacie and I ran some errands then headed off to a local restaurant. We have a knack for arriving just before the big rush of people cramming their way into the small waiting area. We sat and talked while the place filled up with hungry patrons. The overheard conversations divulged that almost everyone were going to The Radio City Music Hall Rockettes show at the nearby World Arena. We saved a little room for dessert and I felt like I needed a wheelbarrow to get me back out to the car. We returned home where Stacie made her delicious Andouille Sausage Cornbread Dressing and I prepared the turkey for roasting in the morning. Did you know that calories don't count on the weekend?
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010
There is a use for all things in nature just like all humans have a purpose. At first glance it may seem that there is no application for a thin spiral grass-like weed but its place in home decor has a firm foundation. The seemingly unmanageable plant is not tamed but cut as it grows in the wild then is transformed into a stylish accoutrement. Stacie has these emanating from a chic wooden vase in the master bedroom. Although we spend many years trying to discover the predetermined course of our lives, we need to realize that it will find us. Every single being is placed here not out of chance or coincidence, but out of carefully measured intent. The sequence of events that collectively populates our existence on the planet can be altered but the results are skillfully managed into the inevitable by a force that we cannot perceive. When you feel abandoned and have no sense of worth, look deep at who and what you are. You add value to your family, friends, and fellow inhabitants of the Earth. Have you discovered your purpose?
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

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