We started our 20 plus hour trip to Louisiana on Thursday night after work and drove south into New Mexico. We woke up late Friday morning and started heading east. Unfortunately the road crews in New Mexico got up earlier than we did so construction on the bridges put us insanely behind. We enjoyed seeing the cotton fields and Longhorns as we drove through the panhandle of Texas and there hasn’t been a cloud in the sky all day. As I’m typing this the Sun is saying goodbye over our shoulders and the shadows are growing long with the familiar warm glow and sometimes glare in the side-view mirrors. “Alice” says that we will arrive in Kaplan around 2am. We’ll stop for some food in a few miles and will swap driving duties again. What’s the longest road trip that you’ve taken?
So glad you and Stacie made it to Kaplan safely. The longest road trip I probably made was when we were living in Massachusets and Daddy would drive all night and all day to get to Kaplan to visit Momsy and Popsy. We three kids would be all over one another sleeping in the back seat....good days....cherished memories. No matter where I go or live, South Louisiana will hold a special place in my heart. To me...that is home.