Sunday, February 21, 2010

Now that's a hot pepper!  So are the green things.  We went shopping at our local Hispanic market.  It's the size of a "Sam's Club" but all groceries.  After we drove home in the snow we made some "loaded" nachos, and some jalepeno spiced fajitas.  Stacie likes flour tortillas and I like corn.  We had so much fun cooking and afterwards we went down to the media room and watched "Amazing Race" and the Olympics.  It was very cozy knowing that it was extremely cold outside with snow blowing all over the place.  The roads weren't bad but I can see that changing throughout the evening.  This past week our nation saw snow on the ground of every state except one.  If that doesn't get us behind our winter Olympians I don't know what will.  We've really enjoyed the snowboarding (Stacie is still not allowed back on a snowboard due to her history with them) and the figure skating.  Colorado Springs has a few resident athletes competing in the Olympics.  One of them is Rachael Flatt.  She is a senior at our neighborhood Cheyenne Mountain High School and she will be performing Tuesday in the women's figure skating.  That has to be so exciting for her and her family.  Please watch and give her all the support you can muster.  We must rally behind our country's representatives in this world competition.  They devote their whole existence to perfect the sport that they were born to do.  (I am always tickled to see their coaches yelling last minute instructions.  At this point what can you tell them, "Skate Really Fast"?) We come in contact with people in our everyday routines that go the extra mile to do their jobs to the best of their ability.  We must acknowledge these people by rewarding them with a warm "thank you" or a great tip for excellent service.  Who will win your "Gold Medal" today?


  1. You win my Gold Medal for today!
    Thanks for keeping us up on your days activities. You guys have an interesting life.
    Watch out for that spicey food!If you know what I mean.
    That was a beautiful pile of peppers.

  2. i'm amazed by the fact that curling is an olympic event. they train for that. there are fans in the stands. they even wear the big foam finger.
