Saturday, February 27, 2010

These two young gentlemen were taking in the great weather of the day.  I'm so glad that they were out doing something and not stuck in front of a screen inside.  They had just called "Game Off" because of a car passing by.  We were just far enough away to not be able to hear what they were talking about.  I wonder if they were talking about the Canadian versus USA game that will determine the Men's Hockey gold medal winner in Vancouver tomorrow?  Maybe they were debating the great hockey players of all time?  Or they could have been trying to solve the great question of which one is better, mac n cheese or fish sticks.  Our early years are spent forming our ideals and standards.  Many kids these days seem to have no goals or dreams.  They look at the world and say "Entertain Me" instead of preparing themselves to make a difference in their world.  Society has dealt them this hand.  Flat screens in our cars and adolescents with cell phones have become the norm.  We don't talk to our kids any more.  We use electronics as pacifiers and babysitters.  Isn't it easier to put some headphones on them than to discipline them?  I've been guilty of it myself but I can see that convenience should not have been a higher priority than my responsibilities to teach, to discipline, and to influence in a positive manner.  What example are you setting?

1 comment:

  1. Mac & cheese and fish sticks go together like peanut butter and jelly, one isn't better than the other:)
