Tuesday, March 30, 2010

As I was taking my customary evening walk around the neighborhood I came around a corner and there were three deer doing the "If we don't move he won't see us" pose.  I pulled up my camera and started shooting while I carefully walked closer.  I calmly talked to them hoping that I would be able to get really close to them.  Just as I thought they would let me in their group, another deer came bolting from my right and the whole bunch made a break for it.  At first the pandemonium was like me at a high school dance.  There was some shuffling, bumping, some "pardon me's" and a lot of "I don't know what to do's", but eventually the 4 deer found their exit.  I struggled to keep up with the action but as I watched my friends heading for the safety of the nearby golf course I saw the source of their sudden departure.  It was a golden retriever at full speed ahead.  At this point I had moved to get a better angle at the disappearing deer and the K9 (dog, to the lay person) was approaching me like a bullet.  I stepped back in order to give him plenty of room and he laid on the brakes hard.  He turned his attention to me and bathed me in wags and doggy kisses (hand sanitizer anyone?) and then suddenly he seemed to say to himself, "Hey, wasn't I chasin' sumthin?, Oh yeah, gotta go".  He was off like a flash.  As I sat there scratching my head I could faintly hear the cheerful barks of the obviously ecstatic dog yelling to his prey "I just want to play, I don't mean you any harm, SQUIRREL!".  How long has it been since you played tag? 

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture of the deer .
    I haven't played tag in too many years to remember
