Thursday, April 8, 2010

I don't care for self portraits.  I'm the behind the camera type of person.  I was on my walk enjoying the rays of sun warming my face and something kept catching my eye.  It was my shadow.  Do you remember when you were a kid and the school would sit you in front of a light and trace your shadow onto a piece of black construction paper?  There were other projects that were sent home and ended up on the refrigerator door.  Like everyone's favorite, macaroni glued to a paper plate.  Then there was the Thanksgiving turkey made from a tracing of your hand.  It has been a while since Stacie and I have had kids in grade school.  I wonder what kids bring home these days.  I can hear those 4th graders coming in from a long day at school all excited and saying "Look Mom, I took a picture, of what I made at school today, on my cell phone. Can we upload it to facebook?  Today a friend of mine received an email on his phone that one of his kids received a D and an F on some of his school work.  Signs of the times.  Does this road make me look fat?

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