Thursday, August 26, 2010

Stacie and I started the nightly walk at around 5:30 and we got about 10 feet from the front door when we started seeing neighbors we hadn't seen in months.  The next thing you know, we had most of the residence from our block all in a driveway exchanging stories.  We roughly planned a block party in about 3 weeks and everyone was in agreement that we all needed to spend some time together.  After a long while we excused ourselves so that I could grab some pictures for the day.  While we were strolling along the fairway some of our other neighbors walked up and they invited us to one of their back patios where we talked until the sun went down.  This shot was from the comfort of their "chairs for everyone".  They said that they leave their chairs back there for anyone to use.  The views are spectacular.  We could even see where "Cheyenne Mountain's Heart" lives and we will be visiting there Sunday.  In 15 minutes the International Space Station will be flying over so I am heading back to the fairway for a clear view.  Do you know your neighbors or are they strangers?

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